Clinical medication rules of oyster and calcined oyster based on traditional Chinese medicine inheritance computing system
投稿时间:2022-09-26  修订日期:2022-11-17
中文关键词:  牡蛎  煅牡蛎  用药分析  临床应用  中医传承计算平台V3.0
English Keywords:oyster  calcined oyster  medication analysis  clinical application  the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance computing system (TCMiCS) V3.0
Fund Project:
许金塔 福建中医药大学药学院 1691255279@qq.com 
刘翔翔 福建中医药大学药学院 1013976742@qq.com 
徐婕 福建中医药大学药学院 623415929@qq.com 
王英豪 福建中医药大学药学院 wang-wyh@163.net 
何丽君 福建中医药大学附属人民医院 helj0909@163.com 
王颖峥* 福建中医药大学药学院 wangyingzheng@live.com 
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      目的 通过分析临床使用牡蛎和煅牡蛎的中药处方治疗疾病的用药情况,为牡蛎和煅牡蛎用药规律的深入挖掘提供参考。方法 收集2019年医院门诊使用牡蛎及煅牡蛎治疗疾病的处方,共计4 352张。通过中医传承计算平台V3.0软件,运用软件的频次统计、关联规则、聚类分析等功能,分析牡蛎的治疗疾病、用药配伍、性味归经等规律。结果 在4 352张处方中,证型治疗方面,牡蛎以肝气郁结、肝郁脾虚证为主;煅牡蛎则以治疗脾胃气虚证为多。疾病治疗方面,牡蛎多用于不寐;煅牡蛎集中在胃脘痛。常用药物配伍方面,牡蛎与龙骨、柴胡等药配伍应用为多;煅牡蛎与柴胡、茯苓、煅龙骨等药配伍应用为多。牡蛎和煅牡蛎最常用的剂量均为30g。性味归经方面,牡蛎和煅牡蛎配伍用药多为性温、寒或平,味甘、苦或辛。但牡蛎配伍用药偏性寒(39.21%),归肝经(16.75%)、脾经(16.23%)、肺经(16.12%),煅牡蛎配伍用药偏性温(38.19%),归脾经(22.13%)、肺经(19.64%)。结论 利用该平台得出牡蛎和煅牡蛎的核心药物配伍和配伍用药规律,可为牡蛎及煅牡蛎的临床合理应用提供参考。
English Summary:
      Objective To provide a reference for the deeper excavation of oyster and calcined oyster medication patterns by analyzing the clinical use of oyster and calcined oyster for the treatment of diseases. Methods A total of 4 352 prescriptions using oyster and calcined oyster at the hospital in 2019 were collected. Based on the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance computing system (TCMiCS) V3.0, applying the frequency statistics, association rules, cluster analysis and other functions of the software to analyze the laws of oyster and calcined oyster in the treatment of diseases, compatibility of medicines, the properties, flavors and channel tropism. Results Among the 4 352 prescriptions, in terms of syndrome patterns,oyster was mainly used for liver qi stagnation, liver stagnation and spleen deficiency syndrome; calcined oyster was mostly used to treat spleen-stomach qi deficiency syndrome. In terms of disease treatment, oyster was mostly used for insomnia; calcined oyster was concentrated in epigastric pain. In terms of compatibility of common medicines, oyster frequently used with longgu, Bupleurum chinense. Calcined oyster frequently used with Bupleurum, poria cocos, calcined longgu. The most commonly used doses of oyster and calcined oyster were both 30 g. In terms of the properties, flavors and channel tropism, the compatibility of the medicines for oyster and calcined oyster was mostly warm, cold or flat; sweet, bitter or pungent. However, the properties of compatible medicine for oyster were cold (39.21 %), liver meridian (16.75%), spleen meridian (16.23%) and lung meridian (16.12%). the properties of compatible medicine for Calcined oyster were warm (38.19%),spleen meridian (22.13%) and lung meridian (19.64%).Conclusion The core compatibility and medication rules of oyster and calcined oyster obtained by TCMiCS could provide a reference for the rational clinical application of oyster and calcined oyster.
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