李鑫,吴祺豪,王碧霞,等.海洋来源真菌Penicillium sp. wqh-572的次级代谢产物研究?[J].中国海洋药物,2018,37(4):12-16.
海洋来源真菌Penicillium sp. wqh-572的次级代谢产物研究?
Isolation and Identification of the Secondary Metabolites from Marine-derived Fungus Penicillium sp. Wqh-572
投稿时间:2018-01-22  修订日期:2018-04-12
中文关键词:  海洋真菌  青霉属  次级代谢产物
English Keywords:mrine-derived fungus  Penicillium sp.  Secondary metabolites
Fund Project:
李鑫 浙江工业大学 药学院 lxzjut@126.com 
吴祺豪 浙江工业大学 药学院  
王碧霞 浙江工业大学 药学院  
陈苏 浙江工业大学 药学院  
陈建伟 浙江工业大学 药学院  
章华伟 浙江工业大学 药学院  
王鸿* 浙江工业大学 药学院 hongw@zjut.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 4447
全文下载次数: 1018
      目的 研究浙江普陀岛海泥来源真菌Penicillium sp. wqh-572的次级代谢产物及其抑菌活性。方法 将菌株进行大规模发酵,乙酸乙酯萃取,采用小孔树脂MCI柱和半制备型高效液相色谱等分离纯化方法,通过核磁(1H NMR和13C NMR)和质谱(MS)等波谱分析方法,并与相关文献比较,鉴定化合物结构。结果 从该真菌发酵液的乙酸乙酯萃取相中分离得到6个化合物,鉴定结果分别为physcion (1)、emodin (2)、7-hydroxy-2-(2-hydroxypropyl)-5-methylchromone (3)、isorhodoptilometrin (4)、2-(2’, 4’, 6’-trihydroxyphenyc)-(7-hydroxy-5-methyc) chromone (5)及(Z)-N-(4-hydroxy styryl) formamide (6)。其中,其中化合物5为首次从青霉属真菌中分离得到。化合物1对3种植物病原菌均具有抑制作用。
English Summary:
      Objective To study the secondary metabolites of Penicillium sp. wqh-572. Methods The ethyl acetate extract of the fermented liquid extract was purified after large scale fermentation, MCI chromatography and HPLC were used to isolated the compounds. The structures of the compounds were identified on the basis of nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR and 13C NMR), mass spectronmetry (MS) spectrum and the related literature. Results Six compounds were isolated from the ethyl acetate extracts of P. oxalicum wqh-572. The structures were identified as physcion (1), emodin (2), 7-hydroxy-2-(2-hydroxypropyl)-5-methylchromone (3), isorhodoptilometrin (4), 2-(2’, 4’, 6’-trihydroxyphenyc)-(7-hydroxy-5-methyc) chromone (5) and (Z)-N-(4-hydroxy styryl) formamide (6), respectively. Compound 1 exhibited inhibitory activity against three strains of plant pathogenic fungi.
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