Comparative analysis of nutrients in different American varieties of sea cucumber
投稿时间:2017-05-18  修订日期:2017-07-19
中文关键词:  干海参  营养成分  含量测定  比较分析
English Keywords:dried sea cucumber  nutritional components  content determination  comparative analysis
Fund Project:
井君 上海海洋大学食品学院 1228898980@qq.com 
陈山乔 上海海洋大学食品学院  
郭锐华 国家淡水水产品加工技术研发分中心上海
王小雨 上海水产品加工及贮藏工程技术研究中心  
包斌 上海海洋大学食品学院  
吴文惠* 上海海洋大学食品学院 whwu@shou.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 11730
全文下载次数: 923
      摘要:目的 比较美洲不同品种干海参营养成分的差异,发现美洲海参的不同品质特性。方法 基本理化指标采用国标法;胶原蛋白含量采用羟脯氨酸试剂盒法;皂苷采用紫外分光光度法;岩藻聚糖采用Discher法;硫酸软骨素采用高效液相色谱法。采用综合评分法,判断7种海参的优劣。结果 7种美洲干海参的含沙量,水分含量,盐分,复水干重率,蛋白质含量分别在0.61%~6.48 %,2.04%~9.26%,8.58%~43.74%,50.39%~77.18%和38.09%~68.45%之间。水溶性还原糖,皂苷,岩藻糖含量分别在0.55 g/100 g ~ 1.08 g/100 g,0.40 g/100 g ~3.70 g/100 g和1.46 g/100g ~5.57 g/100g之间。胶原蛋白,硫酸软骨素含量分别在42.18 mg/g ~ 66.27 mg/g和0.63 mg/g ~1.02mg/g之间。综合评分的结果显示,7种美洲干海参以乌皱辐肛参和小黑米刺的品质较优。结论 7种海参在营养成分上存在一定的差异,但均含胶原蛋白、皂苷、岩藻聚糖、硫酸软骨素等活性物质。7种美洲干海参品质评价的综合顺序是乌皱辐肛参>小黑米刺>白底辐肛参>黑玉参>加拿大海参>阿拉斯加红参>智利瓜参。
English Summary:
      Abstract:Objective The nutritional characteristics of different species of America continent origin sea cucumbers were compared, and the good characteristics of sea cucumbers was evaluated. Actinopyga miliaris , Bohadschia Marmorata , Athyonidium Chilensis , Holothuria atra , Nigrum rice spinam , Parastichopuscalifornicus , Cucumaria frondosa Gunnerus were investigated. Methods Basic physicochemical indexes was tested following national standards; collagen content determination was evaluated by hydroxyproline levels using commercial analysis kit; total saponin was detected by UV spectrophotometry ; fucose was analyzed by Discher method ; chondroitin sulfate was detected by HPLC. The qualities of seven kinds of sea cucmbers was ranked by comprehensive score. Results The sediment concentration, water content, salt content, dry weight ratio and protein content of 7 kinds of dry sea cucumbers in the Americas ranged from 0.61% to 6.48%, 2.04% to 9.26%, 8.58% to 43.74%, 50.39% to 77.18% and 38.09% to 68.45%, respectively. Water soluble reducing sugar, saponin and fucose content were between 0.55 g/100 g to 1.08 g/100 g, 0.40 g/100 g to 3.70 g/100 g and 1.46 g/100g to 5.57 g/100g, respectively. The contents of collagen and chondroitin sulfate were between 42.18 mg/g ~ 66.27 mg/g and 0.63 mg/g to 1.02mg/g, respectively. Actinopyga miliaris and Nigrum rice spinam were higher than others. Conclusion Despite that differed nutritional profiles were observed in the seven species of sea cucumber, all of them contain active substances such as collagen, saponin, fucoidan, chondroitin sulfate and so on. Comprehensive quality evaluation revealed the ranking of the sea cucumbers as Actinopyga miliaris > Nigrum rice spinam > Bohadschia Marmorata > Holothuria atra > Cucumaria frondosa Gunnerus > Parastichopuscalifornicus > Athyonidium Chilensis .
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