Synthesis and characterization of Glucosamine and maltamine - Transition Metal Coordination Complexes
投稿时间:2015-03-23  修订日期:2015-04-24
中文关键词:  葡萄糖胺  麦芽糖胺  过渡金属配合物  合成  表征
English Keywords:glucosamine  maltamine  transition metal complexes  synthesis  characterization
Fund Project:
张仁帅 中国海洋大学医药学院 zhangrenshuaiouc@163.com 
周义宗 中国海洋大学医药学院  
任素梅 中国海洋大学医药学院  
江涛* 中国海洋大学医药学院 jiangtao@ouc.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 4823
全文下载次数: 1295
      摘要:目的研究葡萄糖胺和麦芽糖胺-过渡金属配合物的结构,为其应用奠定基础,合成及表征了4个葡萄糖胺和麦芽糖胺-过渡金属配合物。方法以葡萄糖和麦芽糖为原料,将合成的双葡萄糖丙二胺配体及双麦芽糖丙二胺配体分别与过渡金属Cu(II)、Ni(II)形成配合物。结果以33.9 %~73.8 % 的产率制备了4个葡萄糖胺和麦芽糖胺-过渡金属配合物,并通过紫外、红外、元素分析、摩尔电导等数据推测出了配合物的结构式。结论过渡离子与配体的摩尔比为1 : 2,Cu(II)配合物含有两种配位构型分别为不规则四边形和三角双锥,而Ni(II)配合物的构型为2分子水参与的八面体构型。
English Summary:
      Abstract: Objective To investigate the structure and the application of glucosamine and maltamine-transition metal coordination complexes, a series of coordination complexes was synthesized and characterized. Methods With glucose and maltose as the raw material, synthetic double glucose diamine ligandand double maltose diamine ligand as organic ligands, transition metal Cu(II)、Ni(II) were selected to form the coordination complexes. Results Four transition metal-glycosaminoglycan coordination complexes were synthesized in the yields of 33.9 % to 73.8 %, and the molecular formula was presumed from the UV, IR, element analysis, and molar conductance data. Conclusion The molar ratio of transition metal and ligand was 1 : 2. Cu (II) complexes had two coordination geometries: deformed quadrilateral and triangular bipyramidal, and the configuration of Ni (II) coordination complexes was octahedron containing two water molecules.
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