Effects on the physicochemical properties of fucoidan prepared with different extraction methods
投稿时间:2014-09-23  修订日期:2014-10-14
中文关键词:  褐藻糖胶  提取方法  分子量  硫酸根
English Keywords:fucoidan  extraction method  molecular weight  sulfate group
Fund Project:
单鑫迪 海洋药物教育部重点实验室 shanxindi@hotmail.com 
闫立娜 海洋药物教育部重点实验室  
凡飞 海洋药物教育部重点实验室  
吕友晶 海洋药物教育部重点实验室  
祝贺 海洋药物教育部重点实验室  
李春霞 海洋药物教育部重点实验室  
Nadezda Ustyuzhanina ND Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry,Russian Academy of Sciences,Leninsky prospect ,Moscow B-,Russia  
Nikolay E. Nifantiev ND Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry,Russian Academy of Sciences,Leninsky prospect ,Moscow B-,Russia  
于广利* 海洋药物教育部重点实验室 glyu@ouc.edu.cn 
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      目的 比较不同提取方法对褐藻糖胶理化性质的影响。方法 分别采用稀盐酸法和氯化钙从6种褐藻粗多糖中获得 12 种褐藻糖胶(Fucoidan),并进一步对其理化性质进行分析和比较。采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定其单糖组成,离子色谱法(IC)测定其硫酸基含量,Folin-酚法测定其粗蛋白含量,高效凝胶渗透色谱与多角度激光散射仪联用法(HPGPC-MALLS)测定其绝对分子量。结果 稀盐酸法提取褐藻糖胶的得率显著高于氯化钙法,但所得褐藻糖胶的硫酸基含量和绝对分子量都明显降低。结论 稀盐酸法提取褐藻糖胶造成糖链断裂及硫酸基脱落,破坏褐藻糖胶的结构,因此采用氯化钙法更适合褐藻糖胶的提取。
English Summary:
      Object To compare the physicochemical properties of fucoidan prepared with different extraction methods. Methods The crude polysaccharides extracted from six species of brown seaweeds were purified with dilute hydrochloric acid and calcium chloride methods, and 12 kinds of fucoidans were acquired. Their physicochemical properties were analyzed and compared. The monosaccharide compositions were analyzed by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC); the contents of sulfate group and crude proteins were measured by using ion chromatography (IC) and Folin-phenol colorimetric method, respectively; the absolute molecular weights (Mw) of these polysaccharides were determined by using high performance gel permeation chromatography and multi-angle light scattering (HPGPC-MALS). Results The yield of fucoidans purified with dilute hydrochloric acid method were higher but lower Mw and sulfate contents than that of calcium chloride method. Conclusions The structures of fucoidans purified with acid method could be destroyed by losing sulfate groups and breaking the sugar chains. Therefore, purification of fucoidan from brown algae with calcium chloride was a better choice than that with dilute acid.
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