Advance in research on anti-radiation active substances from plankton in the Antarctic
中文关键词:  南极 浮游生物 抗辐射活性物质
English Keywords:the Antarctic,plankton,anti-radiation active substances,
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摘要点击次数: 2777
全文下载次数: 22
English Summary:
      Ozone hole' , which cause a great increment of the UV radiation to the earth surface, is a exclusive phenomena over the Antarctic. After living in high UV radiation for a long time , plankton in the Antarctic have produced many anti-radiation active substances. In this article, the properties, configurations, functions, etc. of anti-radiation active substances in algae, bacteria and fungi in the Antarctic wen: summarized. At the same time, significative illuminations on the studies and utilization of anti-radiation and anti-tumour active substances are expected.
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