Purification Technology of Mucopolysaccharides in Holothuria scabra Jaeger and Pharmacologic Activity of the Products
中文关键词:  糙海参多糖 工艺优选 产物 药理 活性
English Keywords:Mucopolysaccharides in Holothuria scabra Jaeger,purification technology,orthogonal design,pharmacologic activity
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English Summary:
      The viscosity of mucopolysaccharides in Holothuria scabra Jaeger was related to temperature, time, concentration of mucopolysaccharides and H 2O 2 during the decoloration, which was found through the experiment, in that the rise of temperature, elongation of time, decrease of concentration of Mucopolysaccharides and increase of that of H 2O 2 all lead to the decrease of the viscosity. Within a certain limit, the activity of mucopolysaccharides rises with the viscosity decrease in the experiment of acute cerebral ischemia in mice. So that it is important controlling the craft in the mucopolysaccharides production.
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