Comparison between partial components and trace elements in sepia and squid ink
中文关键词:  鱿鱼墨 乌贼墨 微量元素 含量 比较
English Keywords:Sepia,Squid ink,Trance element
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      目的:比较鱿鱼墨和乌贼墨中微量元素含量。方法:原子吸收法测定金属元素,原子荧光法测定Hg,银盐法测定As,结果:鱿 鱼墨和乌贼墨中常量元素以钙含量最高,分别达到0.34%和1.07%,微量元素中以铁,锶和铜含量较为丰富,乌贼墨中有毒微量元素铅,镉和砷的浓度分别比鱿鱼墨高121%,127%和319%,但汞的含量相近,鱿鱼墨的无机物含量仅为乌贼墨的1/3左右,但有机物含量比乌贼墨高,结论:除铁和锌外,其它微量元素在乌贼墨中的浓度均比鱿鱼墨高,两种墨在成分上明显差异异除和两种动物生物学差异有关外,可能和生活海域中海水的微量元素组成有关。
English Summary:
      Objective : To Compare the contents of inorganic elements in squid ink and sepia ink. Methods: Metal elements were determined by AAS.Hg and As were determined by AFS and Ag-DDC, respectively. Results-Calcium was 0. 34% and 1. 07% in sepia and squid ink, which were highest in routine elements in both inks. Fe,Sr and Cu were relative higher in the trace elements. Toxic element, Pb, Cd and As, were higher in sepia than in squid ink by 121%,127% and 319%,while Hg was similar. The total inorganic substance in squid ink was only one third of that in sepia,while organic substance was much greater than in sepia. Conclusion: Besides Fe and Zn,all the other trace elements determined in sepia were greater than those in squid ink. This obvious difference in elements between the two inks maybe not only related with their biological difference, but also with the element levels of oceans they lives.
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