Analysis on composition principles of the traditional precious medicine pearl using literature and field survey
投稿时间:2020-07-15  修订日期:2020-12-06
中文关键词:  珍珠  配伍规律  频数分析  关联规则  聚类分析
English Keywords:
Fund Project:
李秋琼 广西中医药大学 qiu.qiong@qq.com 
林江* 广西中医药大学 1713552545@qq.com 
李俊仪 广西中医药大学  
李泳良 广西中医药大学  
于淑民 广西中医药大学  
杨丽琴 广西中医药大学  
摘要点击次数: 2905
全文下载次数: 380
      目的 进一步剖析珍珠的配伍规律。方法 应用中医传承辅助平台(TCMISS,V2.5)软件,分析《中华人民共和国药典》(2015年版)、《中药部颁标准》、中国知网、万方等数据库及第四次全国中药资源普查——广西海洋中药资源普查收集的相关文献及实地应用材料。将上述来源的160首含珍珠的方剂创设数据库,分析上述方剂的常见主治病证、常用中药使用频数、药物药性、高频药物组合,对最主要的主治病证的配伍用药作对比分析。结果 珍珠方剂最主要的主治病证是“疮疡不敛、惊悸失眠、目赤翳障、皮肤色斑”;组方频数较靠前的是珍珠、冰片、牛黄、麝香、朱砂、琥珀、黄连、雄黄、甘草、茯苓、硼砂、僵蚕、白芷、炉甘石、青黛、儿茶、当归、人参、水牛角、白附子、黄柏、没药、乳香、龙骨、天竺黄、轻粉26味中药;以寒性甘味、归心、肝经之品为常用搭配药物;药物关联规则8个,分别是:冰片->珍珠,牛黄->珍珠,麝香->珍珠,朱砂->珍珠,牛黄->冰片,冰片、牛黄->珍珠,珍珠、牛黄->冰片,牛黄->冰片、珍珠,具有镇惊安神、开窍、熄风止痉的功效;治疗疮疡不敛时,珍珠主要与冰片、牛黄配伍研细如粉,外涂患处,起到解毒生肌作用;治疗惊悸失眠时,珍珠与牛黄、麝香、水牛角、人参、冰片、朱砂、天竺黄、甘草配伍内服可安神定惊;治疗目赤翳障时,珍珠与炉甘石、牛黄、麝香、熊胆、朱砂、冰片、琥珀、硼砂配伍,研极细末,外用点眼,明目消翳;治疗皮肤色斑时,珍珠与茯苓、当归、僵蚕、白芷、白附子配伍,可研粉调匀外敷,也可以汤剂内服,达到润肤祛斑之效。结论 在《中华人民共和国药典》记载珍珠主治病证的基础上,明确了珍珠组方的高频药物、核心药物组合及药物性味归经,为临床应用及新药研发奠定良好基础。
English Summary:
      Objective Analysis on composition principles of the traditional precious medicine pearl. Methods Using Traditional Medicine Inheritance System(V2.5)to analyze the relevant literature in the databases of Pharmacopoeia of the People""s Republic of China (2015 edition), Standard issued by Ministry of traditional Chinese Medicine and China National Knowledge Infrastructure, CNKI and Wanfang Date, and field application materials collected from The Fourth National Survey of Traditional Chinese Medicine Resources--the census of Guangxi Marine traditional Chinese medicine resources. A database of 160 prescriptions containing pearls from the above sources is created to analyze the common symptoms and signs of the above prescriptions, the frequency of use of common traditional Chinese medicine, the drug properties, and the combination of high frequency drugs. Results A comparative analysis was made on the compatibility of the main treatment syndromes, such as non healing wounds, palpitation insomnia, cataract, and skin stain. There were 26 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine with higher frequency, including: Pearl, Borneol, Calculus Bezoar, Musk, Cinnabar, Amber, Coptis chinensis, Realgar, liquorice, Poria cocos, Borax, Batryticated Silkworm, Angelica Dahurica,Calamine, Indigo Naturalis, Catechu, Angelica,Ginseng, Buffalo Horn,Rhizoma Typhonii, Cypress, Myrrha, Frankincense, Keel,Concretio Silicea Bambusae, and Calomel; And the medicinal substance with cold property, sweet taste, belonging to heart and liver meridians are widely used;There are 8 drug related combinations. They are:Borneol->Pearl, Bezoar->Pearl, Musk->Pearl, Cinnabar->Pearls, Bezoar->Borneol, Borneol、 Bezoar->Pearl, Pearl、Bezoar->Borneol, and Bezoar->Borneol、Pearl. Its combination has the effect of soothing the mind, opening the orifices and stopping the spasms. When treating non healing wounds, pearls are mainly mixed with borneol and bezoar, smearing the affected area. When treating palpitation insomnia Pearls, Bezoar, musk, cornu bubali, ginseng, borneol, cinnabar, concretio silicea bambusae and liquorice are matched to be taken orally. When treating cataract, pearls, calamine, bezoar, musk, bezoar, cinnabar, borneol, amber, borax are matched to grind for eye drops. When treating skin stains, pearl is compatible with Poria cocos, Angelica sinensis, bombyx batryticatus, Radix angelicae dahurica and rhizoma typhonii which can be mixed powder application, but also can be used in soup. Conclusion On the basis of main treatment syndrome of Pearl, which is recorded in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, the high frequency medicine, the core drug combination and the characteristic flavor of the pearl prescription were defined to lay a good foundation for clinical promotion.
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