Statistics analysis of algae literature in biomedical periodicals written in Chinese
中文关键词:  藻类 期刊 文献计量学
English Keywords:Algae,periodicals,bibliometrics
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      目的 探讨藻类文献在中文生物医学期刊的分布规律。方法 检索《中国生物医学文献数据库》(1995年~2004年3月)有关藻类专题文献,见相关文献914篇,分布于285种期刊。依据布拉德福定律,采用布拉德福分区法,按照期刊刊载论文的数量,以递减顺序排列,划分成论文数量大体相等的3个区。结果 第1区有14种期刊,占期刊总数的4.91%,共刊载论文308篇,占文献总数的33.7%,能提供i/3的信息量,是藻类专题的核心期刊。结论《中国海洋药物》刊载文献最多,达90篇,占文献总数的9.8%,是藻类专题的首选核心期刊。对期刊的科学评价,能够正确引导藻类研究人员获取所需信息。
English Summary:
      Objective Statistics the distribution regularity of algae literature in biomedical periodicals written in Chinese. Methods The specialized articles on algae are distributed in 285 types of Chinese periodicals with total 914 articles after retrieving Chinese Biomedical Literature Database(from 1995 to March of 2004). According to Bradford' law and Bradford zone method, three zones are divided into an approximately equal quantity of articles. The zone division is based on the quantity of articles in the periodicals and a digressive sequence as well. Results There are 14 periodicals in the first zone with 308 articles published, which are 4.91% of the total periodicals and 33.7% of the total articles. It could provide the 1/3 information and it is the Core Journals. Conclusion The articles published in Chinese Journal of Marine Drugs are the most, which reaches 90 and occupies 9.8% of the total; therefore, it shall be given priority when alga articles are selected. The scientific comments on periodicals can direct researchers on algae to attain necessary information.
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