Study on extracting high contents of DHA and EPA by using silver nitrate-water method
中文关键词:  硝酸银 分离 提取 廿二碳六烯酸(DHA) 廿碳五烯酸(EPA)
English Keywords:silver nitrate,separation,extraction,DHA,EPA
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摘要点击次数: 3448
全文下载次数: 35
      目的 从鱼油中分离提纯高含量的DHA和EPA方法 用硝酸银一水法对鱼油乙酯化产品进行分离提纯。结果 用硝酸银一水法分离粗鱼油得到(1)DHA、EPA总含量大于95%的产品;(2)DHA含量大于95%的产品;(3)EPA含量高于DHA的产品。结论 研究的工艺可降低生产高含量鱼油DHA、EPA的成本,降低现售DHA、EPA产品的副作用,提高DHA、EPA产品的稳定性。
English Summary:
      Objective Extracting high content of DHA, EPA from rude fish oil. Methods Extracting fish oil ethyl ester with silver nitrate-water method. Results With silver nitrate-water method extracting three kinds of products from rude fish oil were gained(1) The total content of EPA and DHA mixture was higher than 95%. (2) The content of DHA was higher than 95%. (3) The content of EPA was higher than DHA. Conclusion The researching technology may reduce the production cost of high content of EPA and DHA. The method researched can increase the stabilities of DHA, EPA, and decrease the side effects of the products.
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