Study on the comprehensive method extracting polyunsaturated fatty acids from fish oil
中文关键词:  鱼油 提取 综合法 多烯脂肪酸 二十碳五烯酸 二十二碳六烯酸
English Keywords:fish oil,extraction,comprehensive method,polyunsaturated fatty acids,EPA,DHA
Fund Project:
摘要点击次数: 2007
全文下载次数: 16
      目的 用综合法提取鱼油中多烯脂肪酸,方法 盐析法,低温冷冻法,尿素包合法等方法的综合应用,结果 用综合法提取出来的多烯脂肪酸各项指标符合标准,EPA、DHA含量高,工业上有推广前景,结论 提出五条不同档次的推荐工艺,适应我国水产业的现状。
English Summary:
      Objective:Extracting polyunsaturated fatty acids with comprehensive method.Mothods:Comprehensive utilizing Salting out method,Hypothermic Freezing method and Urea Covering method.Results:All the targets of the polyunsaturated fatty acids which extracted with comprehensive method was up to standard.The contents of DHA and EPA were both high.There is prospects in industry.Conclusion:Putting forward five different grade recommending technologies in order to adapt present situation of aquatic industry.
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