Studies on the antiatherosclerotic effects of chitosan ester
中文关键词:  几丁糖酯 壳聚糖 高脂血症 血管平滑肌细胞 动脉粥样硬化 动物模型
English Keywords:chitosan ester,chitosan,hyperlipidemia,vascular smooth muscle cells,atherosclerosis
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摘要点击次数: 2099
全文下载次数: 25
English Summary:
      The in vivo antiatherosclerotic effect of chitosan ester was evaluated in diet induced hyperlipidemia rabbits. The results showed that comparison with hyperlipidemia model, chitosan ester decreased TC, TG, LDL C and MDA, but increased HDL C markedly. The formation of fatty liver and atherosclerotic plaque was decreased in chitosan ester groups. In another study the antiproliferative effect of chitosan ester on cultured bovine aortic smooth muscle cells (BASMCs) were observed. Chitosan ester was found to inhibit the proliferation of BASMCs in vitro, and it could also keep the cells in a contractile phenotype.
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